
Bulk Subscription

YES, please enter a Horizons bulk subscription in my/our name. I understand that all copies will be shipped to one address.

When I/we order a bulk subscription, I/we will receive a bulk shipment of the annual Bible study.

If I/we subscribe by June 1, the subscription will include this year’s study. After June 1, I/we will receive next year’s study.

Please note: We cannot ship Horizons bulk subscriptions to a post office box.

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Bulk Copies (1 year – 5 issues):
# of Copies 1 YR in US 1 YR outside US
1 $24.95 $34.95
2 to 4 $18.95 $28.95
5 or more $17.95 $18.95

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Customer Service Department: 866-802-3635 M-F 9 am to 5 pm ET | E-mail: horizons@cambeywest.com